
The Showing Journal write-up October


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Emma Holder

My love for horses started before I could walk and my career in horses was going to be a competitive one if that was the path I was going to take. My mother Gayle has produced for many years and my passion for the show ring became inevitable from a young age. As soon as I left school I knew that producing the show horses and ponies was the path I wanted to take and it’s from then on we have become one of the leading producers. I have won many shows throughout the country including winning Horse of the Year show 4 times and the Royal international. I have a great passion for teaching and schooling the horses for clients and get great pleasure out of seeing the end result in the show ring!

Rocco Lyndsey

I did a QandA with the kids so here goes - What is you name- Rocco How old are you- 7 What is your favourite food- chicken chips and beans Your favourite colour - all the colours of the rainbow Favourite animal - killer whale it is also called an Orca When did you start riding- was I 4 mummy - yes I took you to the local riding stables. What is your pony called - Dotty and Copper - is Pumpkin mine too mummy? Well he is really mummys’ but you ride him for me! What do you like about riding the most - I like learning to go with no leader and jumping a little bit. Do you like going to Team holder- I do love it but I wished they lived nearer to us mummy. But at least we get to go on planes and trains to see them. What’s the best bit about riding - you get to do lots of fun stuff like games and jumping and things. Also going to long shows and staying in a Campervan. Who was is the best leader Gayle or Emma- mummy that is so hard to answer because they are both the best - can I pick them both! What do you want to improve on in riding- going faster in trot and learning to canter. What has been your best achievement- Wining a sash with Copper at a big show and going in the ring on Dotty on my own, I was a little bit nervous mummy but she was a good girl. What is your ambition in riding - I would love to win a flowery sash.

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