Posy Lindsey
What is you name- Posy Beatrix Lindsay How old are you- 4 What is your favourite food- spaghetti bolognaise Your favourite colour - pink and purple Favourite animal - unicorn When did you start riding- mmm was it when I was a baby. Mummy corrected to 2. What is your pony called - it is very funny it is the same as me - Posy. She is my best pony ever. Oh and Copper whopper!! What do you like about riding the most - I just love it mummy - I want to ride all day everyday - I just want to ride and not go to school! Do you like going to Team holder- mummy who is Team holder? - mummy says gayle and Emma’s!! Ah why did you not say that mummy - it is so much fun I get to ride lots and I love all the ponies and helping. I just love mini the dog. What’s the best bit about riding - I love going to the shows and getting rosettes - can we go to a show tomorrow mummy 🙈. Who was is the best leader Gayle or Emma - mmmm let me think about that mummy - what about Cerys she is good - I like Cerys 🤣. What do you want to improve on in riding- I want to be really good like Emma - she is going to teach me to gallop next week! What has been your best achievement- winning a sash. What is your ambition in riding - to win a huge gigantic cup like pops!! And I want to go in the ring all by myself.